날짜 강의 주제
3/2 1 Introduction & NLP Tutorial Part 1
3/9 2 NLP Tutorial Part 2
3/16 3 BERT (Encoder-only Models)
3/23 4 T5 (Encoder-Decoder Models)
3/30 5 GPT (Decoder-only Models), Huggingface 실습
4/6 6 In-Context Learning
4/13 7 Prompting for Few-shot Learning
4/20 중간고사
4/27 8 Parameter-Efficient LM Tuning
5/4 9 Data Augmentation with LLMs
5/11 10 Training LMs with Human Feedback
5/18 11 Bias & Toxicity in Large LMs
5/25 12 Chain-of-Thought Prompting for LLMs
6/1 13 ChatGPT API Usage
6/8 14 Multimodal LMs
6/15 기말고사